Learn how to install, configure and use you Kepler website

Customize logo and favicon

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Your Logo and other Site Identity options are directly related to the presentation of your brand. As they are part of your header, these are visible on all pages and posts thus they help users always be aware of the website and brand they are interacting with.

Logo #

You can find the Site Title & Logo by navigating to Kepler Admin > Customizer > Header Builder > Site Title & Logo. To access the element settings just click on the element in the elements list on the left, or in the visual header builder under the preview.

Step 1 – Click on the Logo area and upload a file or select a logo from your Media Library. You can add logos as JPG, PNG, and SVG.

Step 2 – Though this step is optional, enabling a Different Logo For Retina Devices will ensure your logos look great on devices with retina screens. It’s advisable to upload at least two times larger so your logos won’t be blurred on high-definition screens. You can find out more about the retina logo in this article. If you decide not to use this option, your website will show your primary logo (from Step 1) on retina screens too.

IMPORTANT: Other settings are not related to Kepler template. Please do not change.

Site Icon (Favicon) #

A favicon; also known as a Site Icon, represents your website in the browser tabs, bookmarks, and many other important places.

This is a small image icon that can be seen in the tab of a web browser, bookmark bars, and WordPress mobile apps. You can set it with the site icon option. The recommended size for a favicon is 512 pixels.

To change Favicon navigate to WordPress Admin > Customizer > Header Builder > Site Title & Logo and scroll to the bottom. To access the element settings just click on the element in the elements list on the left, or in the visual header builder under the preview.

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